Why waste you time with the whole worms theme. How this crap wasn't blammed i will never know. But since it wasn't a congradgulate you. Woop-de-do.
Why waste you time with the whole worms theme. How this crap wasn't blammed i will never know. But since it wasn't a congradgulate you. Woop-de-do.
Now this is what i'm talkin bout
That was great. The music was amazing. Graphics were great too. Keep up the great work.
This movie is almost like the Madness series. Keep up the great work man.
This is my favorite movie man
Great job. i can see you put a lot of tought and time into this movie. It really payed off, trust me. Again Great job. I hope to see more movies like this one out of you. Keep up the great work dude.
waste of time
I couldn't understand a thing anyone was saying. You have to try harder to impress anyone.
that was kind of boring. one thing, if you can make the characters grone, why not make then talk. i liked the game choice stuff. Good job on that, but try a little harder.
Uh, thanks, the point was those were sound effects from a game, I'm trying to make this as close to a proper game as possible, no talking out loud.
I'm Wondering the same thing...
who wrote this crap. It is pathetic. by far the worst movie i have seen. And don't you dare be dissing Mario.
No one dissed Mario, you poor lost soul.
It's Ok
It's not great or anything, but nice try. It's cute, but it was a little boring.
That was great. I loved it. The "Every Cherry" scene was the best. Great Job.
May God Have Mercy On My Enemies... Because I Won't.
Age 34, Male
Davis, CA
Joined on 5/29/05